MS官方 提供了EntityFramework PowerTools不过实在太难用
好吧,本文正题是推荐EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator
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EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator的配置
EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator还是比较容易配置的,打开对应的t4文件,里面对应的就是一些配置
<#// Please make changes to the settings below.// All you have to do is save this file, and the output file(s) is/are generated. Compiling does not regenerate the file(s).// Misc settings **********************************************************************************************************************// Namespace = ""; // Override the default namespace hereDbContextName = "DataStatContext";ConnectionStringName = "MyDbContext"; // DbContext名称ConfigurationClassName = "Configuration"; // Configuration映射文件名ConfigFilenameSearchOrder = new[] { "app.config", "web.config", "app.config.transform", "web.config.transform" }; // Add more here if required. The config files are searched for in the local project first, then the whole solution second.MakeClassesPartial = true;//生成partial classGenerateSeparateFiles = true;//生成多文件UseCamelCase = true; // This will rename the tables & fields to use CamelCase. If false table & field names will be left alone.IncludeComments = true; // 包含注释IncludeExtendedPropertyComments = ExtendedPropertyCommentsStyle.AtEndOfField; //注释位置IncludeViews = false;//包含视图DisableGeographyTypes = false; //是否使用 System.Data.Entity.Spatial.DbGeometry 类型,Odata不支持此类型CollectionType = "List"; // Determines the type of collection for the Navigation Properties. "ObservableCollection" for exampleCollectionTypeNamespace = ""; // "System.Collections.ObjectModel" is required if setting the CollectionType = "ObservableCollection"AddUnitTestingDbContext = false; //是否提供单元测试Mock 类型FakeDbContext 及FakeDbSetInflector.PluralizationService = new EnglishPluralizationService(); //生成的元素包括ElementsToGenerate = Elements.Poco | Elements.Context | Elements.UnitOfWork | Elements.PocoConfiguration;// 各种命名空间PocoNamespace = "";ContextNamespace = "";UnitOfWorkNamespace = ""; PocoConfigurationNamespace = "";// Schema *****************************************************************************************************************************// If there are multiple schema, then the table name is prefixed with the schema, except for dbo.// Ie. dbo.hello will be Hello.// abc.hello will be AbcHello.// To only include a single schema, specify it below.SchemaName = null;PrependSchemaName = true; // Control if the schema name is prepended to the table name // 黑名单或白名单TableFilterExclude = new Regex("sysdiagrams");TableFilterInclude = null; //重命名规则*********************************************************************************************************************// Use the following function to rename tables such as tblOrders to Orders, Shipments_AB to Shipments, etc.// Example:/*TableRename = (name, schema) =>{if (name.StartsWith("tbl"))name = name.Remove(0, 3);return name.Replace("_AB", "");};*/TableRename = (name, schema) => name; // Do nothing by default// WCF ********************************************************************************************************************************// This is only intended as a helper, to get you started creating WCF contracts, and to save a lot of typing.AddWcfDataAttributes = false;ExtraWcfDataContractAttributes = ""; // This string is inserted into the [DataContract] attribute, before the closing square bracket.// Example: ""; = [DataContract]// "(Namespace = \"http://www.contoso.com\")"; = [DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.contoso.com")]// "(Namespace = Constants.ServiceNamespace)"; = [DataContract(Namespace = Constants.ServiceNamespace)]// Callbacks **********************************************************************************************************************// This method will be called right before we write the POCO header.Action